This is the Norwegian Hospitality Association

The Norwegian Hospitality Association (NHO Reiseliv) is the largest employers and trade organisation for the hospitality sector in Norway.
The Norwegian Hospitality Association (NHO Reiseliv) is the largest employers and trade organisation for the hospitality sector in Norway.
The Norwegian Hospitality Association (NHO Reiseliv) is made up of over 3,800 member businesses.
The association, our board of directors and employees work diligently to promote the interests of Norwegian tourism and hospitality through politics, policies, media, campaigns and networking.
There are numerous benefits to being a member of the Norwegian Hospitality Association. Some of the most valuable membership benefits include:
Our lawyers are particularly knowledgeable and experienced in labour law, salary agreements and collective agreements. Assistance provided during labour disputes is free to members.
Read more about legal assistance →
We have local expertise across Norway with 15 NHO regional offices and seven proprietary Norwegian Hospitality Association regional associations and boards.
This means we are able to assist your hospitality business with local knowledge and skills – wherever you are situated.
When you join our Supply Chain, you are given excellent purchasing terms and conditions on many of your hospitality business' needs; including food, non-food and services.
Read more about the supply chain Innkjøpskjeden →
We work strategically and politically to ensure a capable and competent workforce for the Norwegian tourism and hospitality industry.
We also provide training, courses and further education through the NHO Reiseliv Academy. All courses are available to managers, middle managers and employees at member businesses.
The Norwegian Hospitality Association utilises a wide array of communication channels to promote and strengthen the tourism and hospitality industry. We also help member companies in their dealings with the media.
We work diligently to promote the interests of tourism and hospitality on the political stage – centrally, locally and wherever else this may apply.
We have made it easy to receive good pension offers for your company. NHO Pension is a membership benefit provided by Storebrand.
As a member, you receive tailor-made insurance with excellent terms and conditions.
The Norwegian Hospitality Association is affiliated with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), which is the largest representative organisation for Norwegian employers.
We endeavour to provide our members with working conditions and development opportunities which strengthen the hospitality industry, so that each member company is able to achieve greater profitability and healthy growth.
Links on this page will lead you to a Google-translated version of our website.
Please contact us if you need further assistance or information in English
Our members range from small family-owned businesses to multinational corporations in the following industries:
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